

About Learning Grief

Learning Grief is a free online resource that provides learning tools to help children, teens, and the adults in their lives navigate the big feelings that come with change.

Our Mission

imagine learning foundation logo

Our mission is to create a society where kids and teens feel comfortable navigating and responding to big feelings related to loss. We do this by providing trusted adults a free online resource to help them guide young people in developing these skills.

Whether you’re a mentor, coach, educator, or caregiver, our platform equips you with tools to help kids and teens support one another through grief and loss.

Learning Grief is made possible with funding provided by the Imagine Learning Foundation, which aims to support learner well-being outside of the classroom and has the power to create positive environments and more engaged communities.

The Team


Adam D-F Stevens

  • President-elect, Board of Directors of the North American Drama Therapy Association, NADTA
  • Adjunct Faculty for the Creative Arts Therapy Program/CMHC at Antioch University

Advisory Board

Kate Berardi

  • Assistant Teaching Professor, Penn State
  • Program Coordinator, Community and Economic Development, Penn State

Tashel Bordere

  • President, National Alliance for Children's Grief
  • Scholar, Center for Family Policy and Research at University of Missouri-Columbia

Kevin Carter

  • Senior Research and Practice Fellow, Drexel University
  • Member, National Alliance for Children's Grief Advisory Board

Michelle Cove

  • Director of Communications, Experience Camps
  • Executive Director, MEDIAGIRLS

Vicki Jay

  • CEO, National Alliance for Children's Grief

Julie Kaplow

  • Executive Vice President, TAG Programs and Policy at the Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute
  • Executive Director, TAG Center at the Hackett Center for Mental Health

Maria Luisa (Malu) Tejada de Rivero

  • Extension Educator, Penn State Extension

Jennifer Wiles

  • Director, HEARTplay
  • Director, Camp Erin Boston


Kristin Bittner

  • Lead Instructional Designer, WPSU

Susan Chyczewski

  • Education Program Specialist, WPSU

Lindsey Whissel Fenton

  • Senior Producer/Director and Instructional Designer, WPSU
  • Member of the Board of Directors, National Alliance for Children's Grief (NACG)

Sarah Hamilton

  • Education Program Manager, WPSU

Mindy McMahon

  • Executive Producer, WPSU

Rebecca Woolfrey

  • Web & Instructional Content Designer, WPSU
girl swings stick towards sky

Speaking Grief

Speaking Grief explores the transformative experience of losing a family member in a death- and grief-avoidant society. This national public media initiative includes a one-hour television documentary, media-rich website, social media campaign, and numerous community engagement events, all aimed at starting a national conversation about grief.

Let's get better at grief