girl sitting on floor with eyes closed and hands in front of her heart



Mindfulness means being intensely aware of what you're sensing and feeling in the moment, without interpretation or judgment. It’s a skill that can be developed, often through meditation. In addition to a variety of physical and mental health benefits, developing the ability to be mindful allows us to better regulate our emotions, which can make us more capable of holding space for other people’s big feelings.

Improve Awareness and Attention

This video from Australian non-profit organization Smiling Mind provides a simple introduction to the concept of mindfulness and some of its benefits.

Sharing What You Know

If you’re encouraging a child or teen in your life to develop a mindfulness practice, you might even consider making it a shared activity as it will benefit both of you! There are lots of options to get you started. Remember, struggling when you begin your practice is normal and okay! Like any skill, it will get easier with repetition. Be gentle with yourself and start slowly.