Collage of children and adults.


Learning Grief Webinar

Helping Kids Navigate the Big Feelings that Come with Loss

This webinar was recorded on May 22, 2024.

About the Webinar

People of all ages regularly encounter loss and grief on a regular basis. Kids and teens are no exception. Whether you’re a mentor, coach, youth leader, educator, or caregiver, you can have a major impact on the young people in your life by teaching kids how to navigate tough times and how to be there for their peers.

In this webinar, experts:

  • discuss how death and non-death losses can impact kids
  • explore differences between child grief and adult grief
  • describe how you can coach and model healthy coping and relational skills
  • share strategies for how you can guide the young people in your life to offer meaningful support to their peers

Learning Grief is a sister-initiative of Speaking Grief. It’s produced by WPSU and is made possible with funding provided by the Imagine Learning Foundation, which aims to support learner well-being outside of the classroom and has the power to create positive environments and more engaged communities.

Links referenced



This presentation is intended for informational purposes only, and is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical or mental health condition. Please consult your physician or other qualified health care provider immediately if you are experiencing any suicidal thoughts. If you are in crisis, help is available through texting FUTURE to 741741 for free, 24/7 support in the U.S and/or calling the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at: 1-800-273-8255. More information is available here: